Speakers 2009: Deb Osborne, MPH

In collaboration with many state partners, Deb works to increase tobacco cessation through evidence-based, culturally appropriate and cost-effective programming and policies.  Key initiatives include the Colorado QuitLine, outreaching to health care providers to implement the Colorado's Guideline for Tobacco Cessation and Secondhand Smoke Exposure, and developing models and interventions for reaching the mental health and substance abuse populations.  Prior to her role in tobacco cessation, she served as STEPP's Director of Secondhand Smoke where she played a key role in the implementation and enforcement of the Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act.  In that role, she spearheaded the statewide effort to educate healthcare and childcare providers in providing interventions with parents to reduce a child's exposure to tobacco smoke.  The U.S. Surgeon General has recognized her nationally for her work.